Some noteable armors that make their debuts here: – Tony’s Hall of Armors has a long comic history, but we really saw this get going in the films in Avengers, which saw him welding cables underwater in a specially crafted suit. It was a protective suit that had no effective offensive weaponry. – Speaking of Pepper, Tony tracks his Mark 42 armor to her here, but in the comics, he made her an entirely separate suit of her own: the Rescue Armor, which debuted in 2009’s Invincible Iron Man#10. – Fun little thing to lampshade in this movie’s Happy/Pepper interactions: in the comics, they were married for decades. Later, after Osborn’s unmasking as a psychopath, Ho Yinsen’s daughter took up the armor as a member of Sunspot’s New AIM/Avengers team. Instead, in the comics, Norman Osborn (Spider-Man’s arch nemesis, the Green Goblin) was the first to wear the armor, as part of his scam S.H.I.E.L.D replacement following Secret Invasion.
#Marvel heroes lore secrets of aim movie
James Rhodes never donned the Iron Patriot armor until after this movie came out. – Like AIM and The Mandarin, movie Iron Patriot is quite different from his comics counterpart. So that means NY1 morning anchor Pat Kiernan, who has played himself in not only the MCU, but also The Strain, 30 Rock, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,the Marvel Netflix shows, Annie, Ghostbusters,and The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (among others), has to be Access, the character who prevented the Marvel and DC universes from merging into one, extremely shitty comic universe back in 1996. – We know that Stan Lee is Uatu the Watcher.
#Marvel heroes lore secrets of aim registration
Fantastic came up with following the explosion at the Stamford school was a Negative Zone gulag for people who didn’t comply with the Superhero Registration Act. – The main armor in this movie is listed as “Mark 42.” Besides being The Answer, 42 also has some history in Marvel Comics: in Civil War, the 42nd idea that Iron Man, Hank Pym, and Mr. After decades of being weird evil beekeepers, AIM, which had structured itself as a corporation, was bought out by Avenger and former New Mutant Roberto DaCosta and became a branch of the Avengers, then of the U.S. First appearing in 1966’s Strange Tales #146, Advanced Idea Mechanics was created in World War 2 as Hydra’s weapons research division. – However, in the comics, Killian had nothing to do with the creation of AIM. He mostly just killed himself in despair after creating Extremis. He could, like most Extremis soldiers, heat himself to 3000 degrees, but he wasn’t the head of AIM nor was he a villain for Tony. Hansen was much as she appeared in the movie, but Killian was very different. Both first appeared in 2005’s Iron Man#1 as the creators of Extremis, a nanite virus that functioned like a new super-soldier serum. – Aldrich Killian (Guy Pearce) and Maya Hansen (Rebecca Hall) trace their roots to the comic that served as the plot foundation for this movie.